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Parole d'expert : Les attaques dans le cloud et modèles de défense

DATE :  23 NOVEMBRE 2023
HORAIRE : 16H À 17H30


Gregory Cardiet, VP Security Engineering, International chez Vectra propose une intervention sur le sujet : Les attaques dans le cloud et modèles de défense.

 À cette occasion il abordera la complexité du Cloud, les recommandations de la Sécurité par Gartner (WIP) et présentera 3 exemples d'attaques dans le Cloud.


Gregory has been working in the field of cyber-security for his entire career, first focused on policy-based network security and now threat detection and response.

During the last 6 years at Vectra, he has been evangelising the idea of a need for a next-generation Threat Detection and Response platform, able to cover multiple attack surfaces (Data Center, SaaS and Public Cloud). Previously, he has served as Consulting Security Engineer (Expert) at HPE/Aruba where he was advising large global organisation about security strategy at the access layer.

